
My research work has covered a number of areas with an emphasis on applied philosophy. Topics addressed have included the assessment of quality of life in relation to disability, personhood, organ donation and transplantation, the defintion of health, responsibility for health, ethical implications of the causation of disease, and various issues connected with genetics and genomics.

I have held research positions at the Centre for Economic and Social Aspects of Genomics, Cardiff University, and at the Ethox Centre, Department of Public Health, University of Oxford. I am currently a Senior Researcher at HeLEX, Centre for Health Law and Emerging Technologies at Oxford University. I also spent a term at St Andrews’ University Philosophy Department as Royal Bank Fellow.


I have collaborated in research colleagues from a variety of disciplines: psychology, sociology, discourse analysis, law, and biological sciences. I’ve worked on policy issues in collaboration with the King’s Fund. I’ve also written reports for the Legislative Assembly of the Australian Capital Territory (when they were considering the legalisation of euthanasia), contributed to reports for the Wellcome Trust, and written documents for the Australian Health Ethics Committee (on the ethics of organ donation).

I am acting as research consultant to the broadcaster and writer Tessa Mayes.


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